Saša Tatić, an artist born in Bosnia, aims to achieve collective recognition and a sense of kinship in her work by addressing themes such as home, belonging, relationship maintenance, the role of women in the diaspora, and communication within these contexts. She focuses on raising awareness of the changes that come with shifting life environments, fostering critical thinking, and balancing an understanding of relevant cultural frameworks. She uses visual and poetic elements of language—including poetry, images, video, and installations—as tools to uncover stereotypical ideas about the migration experience and to explore the potential for balancing between unmet collective expectations and genuine care.
Saša is an active participant in the local and international art scene. She is one of the co-founders of the artistic association Fully Funded Residencies e.V, advocating for equality and inclusion. She is a member of the feminist and left-oriented organization CRVENA in Sarajevo.
She lives and works in Berlin and visits Bosnia whenever she can.
Populism At the Periphery and Cultural Constituencies/ Counterstances, Master Class offered by Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
2015 2017
MA Public art and New artistic strategies, BAUHAUS Universität Weimar
Online non-credit course offered by Duke University-ART of the MOOC: ‘’Merging PublicArt and Experimental Education’’
2010 2014
Academy of Arts, Banja Luka University, Banja Luka
solo exhibitions:
I’m glad you’re here/Drago mi je da si tu, Gallery Manifesto, Sarajevo (BIH)
(Un) finished house: The Monument, l’institut français de Bosnie-Herzégovine, Sarajevo (BIH)
In between lines/Između redova, Atelieri Žitnjak, Zagreb (HR)
Wärme/Warmth, Galerie Bernau, Bernau bei Berlin (DE)
Domestic Wall/Domaći zid, Gallery Reflektor, UVUU, Užice (SRB)
Homewards, Remont Gallery, Belgrade (SRB)
Utemeljenje/The Bedrock, Ostavinska Gallery, Belgrade (SRB)
Homewrds, Gallery Reflektor, UVUU, Užice (SRB)
Homewards, Gallery SKC Kragujevac, Kragujevac (SRB)
group exhibitions:
Exit Thread, SKC Gallery, Rijeka, CRO
50 Jahre Kemnade International, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Bochum, DE
Žarišta, curator Slađana Petrović Varagić, U10 Gallery, Belgrade, SRB
(Re)producing memories, Kiezraum, Berlin, DE
Novi talasi 2, Pop Art Festival, BKC, Sarajevo, BIH
Zovem se sasvim obicno, Youth Biennal 2023, ULUS Belgrade, SRB
Festival del Cinema di Cefalù, Palermo, IT
15th Telemach Sarajevo Youth Film Festival, Sarajevo, BIH
EE Tetris, curators Marta Djourina and Boris Kostadinov, Scope BLN, Berlin, DE
Berlin Bishkek Art Weeks Exhibition & Intercultural Art Festival, Berlin, DE
Art Fair NESVRSTANI, Zagreb, CRO
POV, curator Adna Muslija, Gallery Manifesto, Sarajevo, BIH
28th Slavonian Biennial: New Paradigms of Happiness, from Osijek Dada to Contemporary Chaos, Museum of Fine Arts, Osijek, CRO
Mit ein bisschen Glück… groß gewinnen!, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin, DE
Nice To See You – An open studio Block Party, BBK Studio Building, Berlin, DE
Finalists of the ZVONO Award for Young Visual Artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina, KRAK Center, Bihać, BIH
57. Zagrebački Salon, HDLU Zagreb, HR
Representations of women in the Balkans, the Centre Richard Wright, Paris, FR
Räume und Identitäten_Video Art Night, Artburst Berlin e.V., DE
Nothing’s guaranteed: Exhibition of Bosno-Futurism, Summerhall, Edinburgh, SCT
Ne Sporazum, History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, BIH
ALLES MUSS RAUS, Center for Peripheries, Open Tiny, Berlin, DE
Les Balkannes, Contempl’Art, Paris, FR
NewNormal – “Normalität” und künstlerische Arbeit, Kommunale Galerie Berlin, Berlin DE
Language in Common, Youth Biennal 2021, ULUS Belgrade, SRB
Video Art Festival ArtMetamedia 0.21, Haus der Statistik, Berlin DE
Floating Projects – Screening Brushstrokes 放映不足 2, JCCAC, Hong Kong, CN
Leap and dive_identity positions of space, Gallery U10, Belgrade, SRB
Herz, Heimat, Orte, Galerie Bernau, Bernau bei Berlin, DE
Die Schule der Folgenlosigkeit”,Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, DE
To Build Again: Artists about architecture, Gallery of Contemporary art, Pančevo, SRB
The Laboratory of Dissent: Inside/Outside Symposium, Winchester School of Art, UK
Seoul Metro International Subway Film Festival (SMIFF) with 60Seconds Film Festival, SK
Fotopub art Festival, Novo Mesto, SLO
Bosnian Videoart Cafe, Moskou Festival #2, Brussels, BEL
Imaginary Bauhau Museum, Schiller Museum, Weimar, DE
WRO Media Library: Turn on the lights, WRO Art Center, Wroclaw, POL
Muestra Anual XXXI #mam31, Museo de Arte Moderno Chiloé, Castro- Chiloé, CL
Salon mladih 2018′, ULUBIH, Collegium artisticum / Charlama Depot Gallery, Sarajevo, BIH
The ZVONO Award 2018 Finalists’ Group Exhibition, SKLOP, Sarajevo, BIH
Videopark Contemporary Art Festival, Reflector Gallery, UVUU, Užice, SRB
Connected: East Meets West, video screening, Top Schillerpalais, Berlin, DE
Off the Road, Perjanički dom , Center for Contemporary Art Montenegro, Podgorica, MNE
99 Files, project by Landscape_in_Progress, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, MK
Werkpräsentation der Artists in Residence 02/2018, BKA-Veranstaltungsraum, Vienna, AUS
Transcultural Emancipation, Billboard Project at Fluc, Vienna, AUS
60 seconds Film Festival, Copenhagen, DK
Immer Ärger mit den Großeltern / The Trouble with Grandparents, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, DE
InShadow – Lisbon Screendance Festival 2017, Lisbon, PRT
Videoproject, Video art Biennale, Rennes, FRA
Within four walls, Annual exhibition as part of Summary 2017 on Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, DE
OpenScreen at Ružica, Bihać, BIH
Heterotopia: The Spaces of Otherness, Serbian House, London, UK
Off the Road, Gallery Pro3or, Belgrade, SRB
Am Fluss, Project collaboration MFA Public art and New Artistic Strategies-Bauhaus Universität and Kunsthaus Dresden, DE
Short Film Festival Francesco Pasinetti, Liceo Artistico Statale ”Michelangelo Guggenheim”, Venice, IT
L’Œil d’Oodaaq Festival, The cultural center La Grande Passarelle, Saint-Malo, FR
(Un)Sounds of Buchenwald, Momemtum worldwide, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, DE
(Un)Sounds of Buchenwald, former Disinfection Hall, Buchenwald Memorial, Weimar, DE
Avi Festival, art video international, Museum of Israeli cinema, Jerusalem, ISR
The tenth art Thuer – art fair Thuringia, Messe Erfurt, Erfurt, DE
ArtSpin Berlin, Public space of Berlin, DE
Mister Vorky 3rd International One-minute Film Festival, Ruma, SRB
Contemporary Refresh, Brodac Gallery, Sarajevo, BIH
Olimpiadas artisticas de Olinda international art shows, Olinda, Brasil
Contemporary Thesaurus, Cultural Center Belgrade, Belgrade, SRB
Yes we are, Annual exhibition as part of Summary 2016 on Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, DE
Contemporary Thesaurus, Museum of Contemporary art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, SRB
Tomorrow we will explain project by Bauhaus University in cooperation with Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, DE
Kultursymposium by Goethe Institut, Lichthaus Kino, Weimar, DE
You say art, I say what, Project Zentrum Berlin der Stiftung Mercator, Berlin, DE
Contemporary Thesaurus, Museum of Contemporary art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka
Kreni stazom koje nema, Dom Omladine, Beograd, SRB
Imaginary Bauhaus Museum part of 2nd Herbstsalon in Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin, DE
32nd Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Kassel, DE
EuroVideo 2015 festival, Liege, BEL
CTL 59 seconds European audiovisual creation competition, Pamplona, ESP
Video art festival Aart Video Riviera 2015, Netanya, ISR
16th International Media Art Biennale WRO 2015 TEST EXPOSURE, Wroclaw, PL
60 seconds Film Festival, Copenhagen, DK
SHARE To Much History MORE Future, Museum of Contemporary art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, BIH
Video contest exhibition Body as a regime, SKC, Beograd, SRB
1st Project/Exhibition “ApARTman”, private apartment, Banja Luka, BIH
27th Festival Les Instants Vidéo, Marseille, (France)
SHARE To Much History MORE Future, 6th namaTREba project/biennial, Trebinje, BIH
FAÇADE Video Festival, Plovdiv, BLG
Videonomad, video screening, Dak Art Off ; Raw material company, Senegal
May Exhibition of the Print Art, Graficki Kolektiv Gallery, Beograd, SRB
Selection of Graphic art from Academy of Arts University in Banja Luka, Banski dvor, Banja Luka, BIH
International exhibition of miniatures Minimum Maximum III , Banja Luka, BIH
International exhibition of miniatures Minimum Maximum IV , Basel, CH
XI International Graphic Biennial of drypoint, Uzice, SRB
An exhibition of works with objects Intermedia Arts Asymmetrical I, Trebinje, BIH
VII EX-YU Call for graphics, SKC, Beograd, SRB
Kulturaustausch – Stipendien, Berlin Senat
Finalists of the ZVONO Award for Young Visual Artists in B&H
PAF Pop Art Festival Award, Sarajevo
Exhibition Funding, Ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
Finalists of the ZVONO Award for Young Visual Artists in B&H, Bihać
NEUSTART KULTUR-Stipendium, Stiftung Kunstfonds
Exhibition Funding, Ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
The Jury Award, Les Balkannes, Association Contempl’Art, Paris
Artist Studio by BBK
Step Beyond Travel Grants, European Cultural Foundation
Finalist for ZVONO Young Visual Artist Award, BIH
The Jury award at VIDEOPARK Contemporary Art Festival at Reflector Gallery, UVUU, Užice
The Jury Award for the best short film at 60seconds Film Festival in Copenhagen
Grant Award from Kreativfonds -Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for project realization
Grant Award from Kreativfonds -Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for project realization
DAAD Studienstipendien für ausländische Bewerber im Fachbereich Bildende Kunst, Design/ visuelle Kommunikation und Film
The Jury Award and Special mention for the best work of visual experiment at CTL 59 seconds
European audiovisual creation competition in Spain
The Jury Award for the best short film at 60seconds Film Festival in Copenhagen
European Audience Award at Euro Videographies 2015 Festival in Liege
The Jury Award for video work on Body as regime contest in Belgrade
Gold Plaque for the student generation at the Academy of Art from the University of Banja Luka
Finalist 6th namaTREba project/biennial competition for a young artist, Trebinje
Award for the best work in the field of Graphics from The Academy at the annual final exhibition of the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka
Finalist for Henkel Art.Award
Award for the best Graphic work from Museum of Kozara Prijedor at the annual final exhibition of the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka
Scholarship from Ministry of Culture of Republic of Srpska
Art House Residency: What’s left?, Art House, Shkodra, Albania
Master Class 3: Populism At the Periphery and Cultural Constituencies/ Counterstances with Nebojša Milikić at Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
Interaction-Short Docs Festival (I:SDF), Užice, SRB
IVA.lab, Residence Videoproduction, Požega, SRB
Bibliothek der Künstlerinen – Weimar, Kunstfest Weimar, Weimar, DE
2018 (ongoing project)
KulturKontakt Austria Artist-in-residence, Vienna, AUS
Cultural friendship Austria-BiH, Apartman #4/Observation from the outside, Banja Luka, BIH
ArtSpin Berlin, community-based interactive bike and art tour, Berlin, DE
Summary 2016, annual exhibition of the Bauhaus University, Weimar, DE
Tomorrow we will explain an art project from Bauhaus in cooperation with Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, DE
Kultursymposium by Goethe Institut, Lichthaus Kino, Weimar, DE
Bauhaus goes Gorki, art project from Bauhaus in cooperation with Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin, DE
Video edition 01, Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, BIH
International project BAUHAUS goes South-East-Sarajevo 1914/2014, Sarajevo, BIH
International Meeting of Artists, Arts organization My Land Štaglinec on property of Vlasta Delimar, Koprivnica, CRO
XXXI session of Artistic and ecological colony Bardača, Srbac, BIH
International Congress of contemporary art and theory Former West, Berlin, DE
International Land Art Festival Straw , Osijek, CRO
Regional festival of independent art scene BL – ART, Banja Luka, BIH
CentiArts First international artists video screening project Videonomad, Tunis, TN
art talks and lectures
Zwono Award presentation, Vagon Gallery, Banja Luka
Workshop When I visit home, Ambasada, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
Unfinished House_This is how the brick sounds when, Lecture and Workshop, Catalyst Arts and Technology Institute, Funkhaus, Berlin
Unfinished House, Lecture and Workshop, Catalyst Arts and Technology Institute, Funkhaus, Berlin
FFR Lecture and Workshop, Fully Funded Residencies at Bauhuas University, Weimar
I am not here but we are coming, Panel discussion- IKT ImPULS, Kuktur Integration Kompetenz, Berlin
New Normal – Normalität und künstlerische Arbeit, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin
Saturday Night in the Studio #2 art talk, Studio of Jelena Fuzinato, Berlin
ArtSample Mangelos #2: Nemanja Delja & Saša Tatić, Talk about artistic practice, Remont – Independent Artistic Association, Belgrade Art and Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Panel discussion, i-platform, Zürich
Video Workshop, BORG Bundesrealgymnasium and Bundesoberstufenreal gymnasium Wien 15, Vienna
Video Workshop, NMS ST. Agatha, St. Agatha
Art talk Homewards for Class of prof. Marina Grižnić, Akademie der bildenden Künst – Studio for Conceptual Art Vienna
Art talk Homewards for Class of prof. Mladen Miljanović, Academy of Arts, Banja Luka University
artworks in collections
Napola, painting // Private collection
Odakle si, painting // Private collection
Repetition, painting // PRivate collection
Photographs-drawings “Dot-body-dot” // Museum of Contemporary art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka (BIH)
Video work “Point of view” // Museum of Contemporary art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka (BIH)
Video work “Where is the art there” // Museum of Contemporary art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka (BIH)
Graphic print “Tree of wisdom”// Museum Kozara, Prijedor (BIH)
Object “I am here” // Imago Mundi collection of works commissioned and collected by Luciano Benetton under the auspices of the
Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche